Row by Row Village Quilter License Plate - 2016
Row by Row Village Quilter New Jersey License Plate from 2016.
"Takes a Village" !
(Note: 2017 license plates will be available when this year's Row by Row begins in June - stay tuned!)
Fabric License Plate printed on 100% organic cotton sateen.
Image Approx. 4" x 8"
The Village Quilter is a creative community where we all support each other's efforts. It is a Third Place, other than work or home, where you can come, create, work, play, or just be. "It Takes a Village" is an Anglicized version of a Swahili proverb thought to have originated with the Kijita (Wajita) people of Africa.
Note: Postage will be adjusted if just one plate is ordered.